Suggested Websites

There are many excellent websites of groups or individuals with similar missions as 5G Free Oregon. They are also devoting/volunteering their time and resources to bring awareness to the potential health impacts of wireless technologies.
Baby Safe Project: More than one hundred forty physicians, scientists, and public health professionals from around the world have joined together to express their concern about the risk that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures.


Physicians for Safe Technology. – Produced by several Doctors and Scientists. A well-organized and designed website that highlights on a wide array of Scientific research involving multiple areas of the body affected by RF radiation. Also included is a comprehensive Policy section highlighting all the national and Internationals actions and policies taken by various governmental authorities. It also includes many Links and Resources

SafeEMR Website – is spearheaded by Director for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley. The website is an in-depth and historical analytical perspective of all the current events that transpire on the Wireless health front both science and politics. It keeps up with many of the current research studies on this issue.

EHTrust. Most Comprehensive, Up to date, Well Researched WEBSITE on the Web on Wireless Science and Other Wireless IssuesThe website was originated by Dr. Devra Davis,  leading epidemiologist and scientist in Public Health and cell phones. Formerly spearheaded the University of Pittsburg’s brain cancer research program into cell phones.

Americans For Responsible Technology: A national coalition of grassroots organizations with a mission to stop the unconstrained proliferation of 5G small cell antennas and promote equitable access to technologies that benefit society and protect the health, safety, security, privacy, and property of all Americans.

Websites Created by Our Board Members

Our local pioneers now serving as board members, who started to bring attention to the health impacts of wireless technology as far back as 12 years ago

Oregon for Safer Technology: Website by a board member of that group who now serves also as a board member on 5G Free Oregon.

A website by another pioneer, herself suffering from EHS (electrosensitivity). She also worked with us (WEA-5G) and now works for the Children’s Defense Fund: W.A.T.E.’s purports to expose the suppressed epidemic of sickness, suffering, and human rights crisis created by wireless technology radiation; elevate the voice of those injured; defend and secure their rights and compel society and governments to take corrective actions and inform the public of the harm.